The Party Scene

Sex, drugs and smudged mascara: just another Sunday night shoot for the Pale Republic gang. Let’s be honest, there is never anything average about these famed end of weekend shoots. While the rest of the world recover from heavy drinking binges or head off to church, the cast and crew of Pale Republic find ourselves delving into the dark mysterious world of what it might feel like to chop a couple of lines and stumble drunkenly down a eerily lit passage way. Okay, so the cocaine was actually Eno and the mascara and eyeliner smeared across my face had less to do with the intake of alcohol and more to do with Lindsay and I splashing water onto my eyes and rubbing vigorously. Ah, the glitz and glamour of show business. Did I mention that I spent a considerable amount of time lying beside a toilet on the bathroom floor? However, despite several mishaps (i.e.: Odette’s car trouble forcing her to leave us after Charles’ failed attempt at acting mechanic; and our distinct lack of party goers for our, er, party scene) it was truly heart warming to be reunited after the brief interlude of the Festive Season. Excitement is mounting as we draw nearer to the conclusion of all our hard work. After all, that’s why Sundays are for shooting.

Melissa @ dollparts


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